Holographic Radar and the safe integration of drones

28.02.2017, 16.30 – 18.00 Uhr (PDF-Version)

The use of Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) or drones is growing rapidly around the world; good quality models are available for only a few hundred Euros and can be flown without specialist training out of the box. This democratisation of the airspace creates a fantastic opportunity for innovation but also presents new safety and security challenges that must be overcome. To enable safe integration into the airspace new solutions are needed both to protect vulnerable sites from rogue drones and to facilitate systems of UAS traffic management (UTM) that will open up the skies to new services. Traditional air traffic control radar cannot see objects as small as drones and is not able to help in this role. The Holographic Radar uses new staring radar techniques to fully digitise the air picture and extract and classify even the smallest of moving objects. Drones, aircraft and ground targets can be detected, tracked and classified. This provides a building block for future systems that will control and manage our skies.

Tim Quilter
Strategic Business Development
Aveillant Ltd.